October 28, 2021
Today's Red Ribbon Week Tie Dye winners are Macey Lambe in 6th grade and Jaley Harrill in Kindergarten. Don't forget to participate in our Halloween Costume Contest tomorrow!

October 27, 2021
Today's Red Ribbon Week Pajama Day winners are Teagan Frazier in 5th grade and Caroline Bird in Kindergarten. Don't forget to participate in tie dye day tomorrow!

October 26, 2021
Today's Red Ribbon Week Crazy Hair Day winners are Hailey Miller in 5th grade and Wyatt Bird in 4th grade. Don't forget to participate in pajama day tomorrow!

October 25, 2021
Today's Red Ribbon Week Occupation Day winners are Jadyn Lovan in 7th grade and Kye Kintner in PreK. Don't forget to participate in crazy hair day tomorrow!

October 24, 2021
Junction Hill Families don't forget to join us this week in the celebration of Red Ribbon Week to promote safe and healthy choices and encourage students to make a personal commi...

October 20, 2021
Today we were blessed to have some of our High School students visit our campus. This morning coach Gunter brought some of her Zizzer Cross Country girls by to greet our students ...

October 15, 2021
Several of our Hornet boys who go to West Plains High helped greet students as they arrived for Parent Drop off on this morning, October 15. Tonight the Zizzer varsity football bo...
October 15, 2021
Orders are due today. Last-minute orders will be collected on Monday morning.

October 12, 2021
Junction Hill C-12 School
8004 County Road 3010 ∙ West Plains, Missouri 65775 ∙ 417-256-4265
Dear Junction Hill Families,
Veterans Day, a tim...

September 9, 2021
Attached is the link for the Booster Club Junction Hill Shirt Sales.
For each of the three designs, you...

September 1, 2021
School pictures for the 2021-2022 school year will be September 22nd. Hilburn Photography Studio will be the company providing school pictures this year. Information and packets w...
August 13, 2021
Spring 2021 MAP Grade Level Summative Reports
As we prepare to begin the 2021-2022 school year, we would like to inform parents/guardians that the Missouri Assessment Pro...

August 4, 2021
The Junction Hill staff is excited about the upcoming school year. We are looking forward to seeing our students again, and to meeting new families and friends. As all of us are...

July 19, 2021
Junction Hill School Supply List 2021-2022
All items provided by the school unless highlighted
Backpack, change of clothes(seas...
June 8, 2021
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction
Continuity of Services Plan
The guideli...

May 18, 2021
In Mrs. Aikens class today during summer school, students built catapults. Students had to launch a penny, cotton ball, and cap eraser. They had three trials for each object. They...

May 13, 2021
Mrs. Jens class poses for a picture in the gym after building, hypothesizing, testing, and recording data about glider and paper plane flight.