Volleyball Tournament starts Tuesday March 7th at Glenwood.

Science Fair will be March 23rd. Open house will be after school from 4-5:30. Parents and family are welcome to come in to see the projects.

Junction Hill Day at Dairy Queen is March 15th. Please help our PTO by visiting Dairy Queen on the 15th.

Volleyball Schedule Feb - March

Mrs. Peterson's 7th Graders Engineer Columns Like an Ancient Greek! http://www.junctionhill.k12.mo.us/article/12896?org=junction-hill

Pre-school and Kindergarten screenings will be held Thursday, March 2nd. To be eligible for pre-school, students must be 4 years old prior to August 1, 2017. To be eligible for kindergarten, children must be 5 before August 1, 2017. All children must reside in the Junction Hill School District. A parent or legal guardian must accompany each chold on the day of screenings and will need to bring the child's birth certificate, immunization record, and proof of residency. Parents / Guardians need to schedule an appointment by calling the school at (417) 256 - 4265

Tomorrow is the last day to bring in money for the penny drive and for the raffle. I'd like to push the raffle. Its $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets. The prizes include a $50 giftcard to Colton's, 2 passes to Family Cinema, 4 large Blizzards from Dairy Queen, plus other surprises.
All money and tickets need to be turned in by TUESDAY February 7th. The drawing for the raffle will be on the 8th.

Rally around the Pole Wednesday, February 15th 7:30-7:45, in the Junction Hill Gymnasium. We will have a youth minister form an area church to lead our students in a short devotional and to pray for our school, community and Country. All ages are invited. This is lead by the Junction Hill Student Council.

St. Jude Fundraiser will begin Jan 31! With a dollar donation you will be able to wear a school appropriate hat to school. Feb 2nd, donate a dollar and wear pajamas to school.
More details follow the link http://www.junctionhill.k12.mo.us/article/11897?org=

January 2017 Volleyball Schedule http://www.junctionhill.k12.mo.us/article/11131?org=

HCAA Basketball Tournament schedule can be located at http://www.junctionhill.k12.mo.us/article/10570?org=

Chess Tournament Sunday December 17th.
For details and time please check the full schedule

See you at the pole Wednesday December 14th at 7:30am. Student Council will meet you all in the gymnasium. We will have a youth Pastor from one of the local churches attending.

Veterans Day Assembly will be held at Junction Hill tomorrow. We are encouraging the community to come celebrate the great things our vets have done for this country

As we approach the holiday season Junction Hill School as well as other community organizations are working together to help families in this district. Applications were sent home with each student this week. If your family could benefit from help with gifts or food during the holidays, please fill out the applications and return them to Mrs. Sellers by the dates listed on the applications. It is our goal to help as many families as possible; however, we must have at least one of these applications returned in order to serve your family.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Sellers at 256-4265.

Tomorrow, November 2nd is Cross Country Picture day. All students that participated in cross country need to bring their cross country shirts to school and be prepared for pictures. Again, tomorrow is cross country picture day and all students that participated in cross country need to bring shirts for pictures. Thank you.

Reminder! Cross Country practice is after school Monday through Thursday this week, after school until 5 pm.

Reminder! Red Ribbon week starts Monday! Monday is wear red. Tuesday is Crazy hair or hat day. Wednesday is wear your best NERD clothes. Thursday is wear your Halloween costumes. Friday is wear your school shirt or school colors.

November will soon be here and with that comes Veterans Day. We are asking all of our families to send pictures of their family members that have served or are currently serving our country for the slide show. The slide show will be shown at the Veteran's Day Assembly on November 11th. I will be putting together the slideshow and prefer to have pictures sent to me through email at ljohnson@junctionhill.k12.mo.us. You can also bring in physical pictures that we can scan. I will need to know who is in the picture, whose relative it is, what branch they served and how long. Pictures must be in by Friday, November 4th.

Boy's A-Team defeated Gatewood in their first game of the season 41-24 last night 10/17/2016. Moves their record to 1-0 and will be playing Monday in the Kosh Tournament.