November 19, 2020
Junction Hill School has been contacted by the Howell County Health Department to notify us that individuals associated with the Junction Hill School District have tested positive for the Coronavirus. The Howell County Health Department has completed their contact tracing and is contacting the close contacts involved. The Howell County Health Department’s response is based upon CDC guidelines and recommendations. We would like to continue to remind everyone to please monitor yourself and your family for symptoms. We also continue to encourage parents that if their child does not feel well or exhibits symptoms associated with Covid-19 in conjunction with running a fever, to please keep them home. We appreciate your cooperation and support as we continue working through the challenges of this school year.

Reminder: No School Today at Junction Hill, Deer Season. Classes resume tomorrow.

There will be no Cheerleading practice today after school. (11/9/20)

Reminder. Tomorrow (Thursday 5th) will be Baseball, Softball, and Cross Country Team Pictures. Don't forget to bring your uniforms to turn in after pictures.

Due to the rain, cross country practice has been cancelled for today, Thursday October 29th. The Conference Meet is still on for tomorrow 9:00 AM at Howell Valley.

Due to the incoming rain, cross country practice has been canceled for today, Wednesday, October 28th. Cheerleading practice will still be from after school until 5:30 PM.

Due to cold rain and muddy field, Cross Country practice has been cancelled for today (10/27/20). Girls A and B team Basketball Practice will switch times and move up to 4 o'clock start time and end at 5 pm.

Cross country and basketball changes.. After looking at the forecast for tomorrow, we are going to cancel Monday's 10/26/20 cross country practice. Also, Boy’s Basketball Tryouts will move to right after school and will end at 5:30 PM. Thank you.

Good morning, This is just a reminder that there will be no tutoring this week as teachers prepare for and conduct phone and in person parent teacher conferences.

Junction Hill will have picture re-take day tomorrow 10/20/20. Students must return original pictures if they received them. Pictures can be ordered using the life-touch forms, or on mylifetouch.com ID: EVT37HKRW

Due to rain/field conditions there will be no cross country practice today after school. 10/19/20

Our Book Fair is going online this year! From October 5 - 18, 2020 discover new books with your kids. Bonus: Every purchase supports our school. This is the link to our fair. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/junctionhillelemsch

We would like to say "Thank You" to everyone in the Junction Hill community and surrounding area from the Junction Hill PTO and Kimbrough Family for making Saturday night a success. We had a great turnout Saturday night at the benefit auction and team sorting for the Family of Forrest and Kristy Kimbrough! Over $25,000 was raised! A huge thank you to all who donated items, and helped to make it such a great event!

September 23, 2020
Junction Hill School has been contacted by the Howell County Health Department to notify us that an individual associated with the Junction Hill School District has tested positive for the Coronavirus. The Howell County Health Department has completed their contact tracing and contacted the close contacts involved with this case. The Howell County Health Department response is based upon CDC guidelines and recommendations. In this case there was no exposure to anyone else at Junction Hill School. We would like to continue to remind everyone to please monitor yourself and your family for symptoms. We also continue to encourage parents that if their child does not feel well or exhibits symptoms associated with Covid 19 in conjunction with running a fever to please keep them home. We appreciate your cooperation and support as we continue working through the challenges of this school year.

Softball practice for today (9/22) has been cancelled. Baseball practice will continue as scheduled.

September 21, 2020
Junction Hill School has been contacted by
the Howell County Health Department to
notify us that an individual associated with
the Junction Hill School District has tested
positive for the Coronavirus. The Howell
County Health Department has completed
their contact tracing and contacted the
close contacts involved with this case. The
Howell County Health Department
response is based upon CDC guidelines
and recommendations. In addition we
would like to remind everyone to please
continue to monitor yourself and your family
for symptoms. We continue to encourage
parents that if their child does not feel well
or exhibits symptoms associated with Covid
19 in conjunction with running a fever to
please keep them home. We appreciate
your cooperation and support as we
continue working through the challenges of
this school year.

September 15, 2020
Junction Hill School has been contacted by the Howell County Health Department to notify us that an individual associated with the Junction Hill School District has tested positive for the Coronavirus. The Howell County Health Department has completed their contact tracing and contacted the close contacts involved with this case. The Howell County Health Department response is based upon CDC guidelines and recommendations. In addition I would like to remind everyone to please continue to monitor yourself and your family for symptoms. We continue to encourage parents that if their child does not feel well or exhibits symptoms associated with Covid 19 in conjunction with running a fever to please keep them home. We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this school year of exceptional challenges.

We are happy to announce that Junction Hill C-12 School District has been approved to serve FREE lunch and FREE breakfast to all students enrolled at Junction Hill School! The USDA has extended the summer food program through December 31, 2020, or until the grant funds run out. Beginning Tuesday, September 15, 2020, all students are eligible to eat breakfast and lunch free of charge. (Please note, this does not include the cost of afternoon snack milk for grades PK-2nd.) Lunch bills will still be sent out monthly to any student who had an outstanding balance prior to 9/15/20 or incurs the afternoon snack milk charge. Once the funds do expire, we will go back to operating the National School Lunch Program and applications that were completed at the beginning of the year will still be in effect.

In years past Title 1 Night has been a full family fun night with food, art, music, and a book fair. This year due to Covid concerns, we are unable to provide this type of evening at Junction Hill. Because of Covid 19, and the need to maintain social distancing, we will instead have a much shorter, business only, meeting on September 24th at 6 pm. In order to prepare for the logistics of social distancing, we will be sending home an RSVP for parents to fill out if they intend to join us in our Title 1 meeting. The RSVP has a short agenda on it as well so parents can decide if the meeting is something they would like to attend. Please return the RSVP (it is on yellow/gold paper) if you intend to attend so we can make preparations to accommodate you. Thank you in advance!

September 4, 2020
Junction Hill School has been contacted by the Howell County Health Department late this afternoon to notify us that an individual associated with the Junction Hill School District has tested positive for the Coronavirus. The Howell County Health Department is in the process of contacting all close contacts to this case. The Howell County Health Department response is based upon CDC guidelines and recommendations.