Working from Home

Working from home, how do I set myself up for success?

The following suggestions can help you in setting up for success while working from home:

● Set up your workspace

○ Establishing a defined workspace can help you separate work and


○ Consider the position of your workspace, if you will be video

conferencing or creating videos to share with your teacher, it’s a good

idea to position yourself in front of a static surface (to eliminate a

family member walking through unaware)

● Set a schedule

○ Routines are important and can help you and your family

members know what to expect during certain times of the day

○ Consider the needs of all people in the home when determining

your work hours

○ Build breaks into your daily schedule, and take them! When

possible, step outside during the day.

○ Incorporate movement throughout your day

● Allow for flexibility

○ Take advantage of the benefits of working from home while you

can such as your ability to use the bathroom whenever you want!

○ Provide yourself (and your family) structure where you can

● Disconnect

○ Set an end to your work day and adhere to it! It’s so important that

we take care of ourselves right now, please let that include

stepping away from work in the evenings.