Survey Says

Recently we sent out a survey to get your opinion of Junction Hill School moving to a 4 day school week.  The surveys have been counted up and the results show 75% of the surveys we received support the idea of implementing a 4 day school week.  The complete results are below.  There were several good comments and questions that were submitted and we are working on a second survey to present additional survey questions all in an effort to ensure Parents/Guardians are aware of what transitioning to a 4 day school week could entail.  Our goal is to ensure parents/guardians have sufficient information to express an informed opinion before undertaking a transition such as this.  Thank you to everyone who responded.

Parent Survey Summary Results


236 Surveys were sent to 135 Homes

142 Surveys returned from 100 Homes

60.17 % of the surveys returned from 74.07 % of the Homes

106 of the surveys are in support of a 4 day school week

74.65 % of the returned surveys support 4 day school week

34 of the surveys are against the 4 day school week

23.94 % of the returned surveys are against a 4 day school week

2 of the surveys returned did not answer the question of implementing a 4 day week

1.4 % did not respond the question of a 4 day school week.

141 Surveys for Pk – 8 Students

33 of the 141 Surveys also identified HS students in the home

28 Surveys expressed a need for Day Care Services on the day school is not in session

            19 of those were from Parents who are against 4 day school week

             9 of those were from Parents who are in favor of a 4 day school week

106 Surveys expressed no need for Day Care Services on the day school is not in session.

            9 of those were from Parents who are against 4 day school week

            97 of those were from Parents who are in favor of a 4 day school week

57 Responded for Friday to be the day out of session

            45 of these favor 4 day

12 do not favor 4 day

65 Responded for Monday to be the day out of session

            55 of these favor 4 day

10 do not favor 4 day

43 Favor 20 Minute Earlier Start Time

            33 of these favor 4 day

            10 do not favor 4 day

15 Favor 1 hour Earlier Start Time

            11 of these favor 4 day

            4 do not favor 4 day

62 Favor 20 minute later ending time

            53 of these favor 4 day

            9 of these do not favor 4 day

23 Favor Continue Current time just add weeks at end of year

            14 of these favor 4 day

            9 of these do not favor 4 day

5 Expressed their child would be less likely to attend a 4 day High School

22 Expressed that their child would be more likely to attend a 4 day High School